Beginner's Improvisation

Tenki Hiramatsu

instalation view
Load, 2020, Oil on Acrylic on Paper, 38x48cm.
Encounter, 2020, Oil on Acrylic on Paper, 38x48cm.
Rising Fish, 2020, Oil on Acrylic on Paper, 38x48cm.
Friends, 2020 (left), Beginner's Improvisation, 2020 (right), Oil on Acrylic on Paper, 38x48cm (both)
Dark Adaption, 2020 (left), Beuys, 2020 (right), Oil on Acrylic on Paper, 38x48cm (both)
Sabotour, 2020, Oil on Acrylic on Paper, 38x48cm.
instalation view
instalation view
Sun, Snake, 2020, Oil on Acrylic on Paper, 38x48cm.
Forgetting Vision

Tenki Hiramatsu is a Japanese artist who now lives and works in Karlsruhe, Germany.

For this series, Tenki has used his explorative and improvisatory approach to oils to merge lightly rendered figures and their floating features in the glowing and animated fields they inhabit. These playful characters are melded and morphed by the spatially ambiguous landscapes we try to navigate with them. Tenki’s past shows and works can be viewed at